Montage of textures and ideas for my 'Busifly Skyscraper'
3rd format: WEBSITE
Since Lippmann Partnership hasn’t published their own book on their projects, most of the information I found in regards to their past, present and future projects were found through online sources. Most of the information gathered of the ‘Butterfly House’ originated from Real Estate websites (2)and their own Lippmann Partnership Website(1) . Secondary online resources are the top priority for users who simply seek a quick rundown of main points, contact details, photos and the like. The ease of navigation within the website makes the information easily accessed by the public and can be viewed from anywhere in the world. The prevalence of technology with the turn of the century denotes that a majority of people will search for something on the internet before resorting to other sources of information. Lippmann’s website layout consists of a simple navigation bar (3) at the top of the window which link to Lippmann’s various projects and when selected, opens up a new page with a large slideshow of images displaying sketches, final plans, renders and final photographs of their project. The minimalist approach to the design layout makes it easier for the users to browse the site and gives a big picture of the eloquence of their designs.
The reason behind my decision to present my third output as a website is simple. It is currently the most convenient way for everyday people to immediately find information at a click of a button. No need for fancy programs or money, and as I said previously, can be accessed from anywhere. The benefits of this third format will allow me to incorporate my basic web design skills to create something similar to the current Lippmann website. I will present the draft as still shots of the website, but for my final presentation I will present it from my laptop as I can’t find any free servers to run my website off.
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