Sunday, 31 July 2011

Week 2 - 3 developed Spore Creatures

Commented on Rebekah's foldings (Matt Day's Tutorial group)
"Folding Exercise, Feedback 1.
The complexity in your folding techniques is very detailed, yet simplistic in a way. Your ability to precisely manipulate the edges and corners of the single sheet of A4 paper to your desired model is very interesting. The structural elements holding up your foldings are very creative and innovative. It is evident that you have dedicated a long time to modelling your foldings, as you have also been able to replicate the lighting in the original photograph too. Wellll donnnne :D"

Creature 1

The above images were where I drew all my inspiration from for the following creature, named Prispider..

This creature would dwell in an dull and abandoned environment. With it's multiple limbs it can easily move from various floors and can climb up walls. It is sort of like a spider so I've placed it in an abandoned bedroom, the abandonment of the bedroom is portrayed through the broken window, the box with holes, and the shattered flower pot. It has 2 'homes', the web underneath the table and the curved tube in the box beneath the table. The reason why I have assigned two 'homes' for the spider is that, spiders can create their own homes - so this allows for flexibility which they can take advantage of. 

Creature 2

The above images were where I drew all my inspiration from for the following creature, named Zen-Touch.

This creature will dwell in a rigid and sharp environment, it must have many areas for it to jump onto and the must also allow the creature to explore the architecture. The inspiration from Zen-Touch would be portrayed through the structure and general design of the environment. It wouldn't be comfortable standing for too long due to it's horrible posture, so there will be many resting places in it's environment. The multiple stairs are an option for it to circulate around it's environment, but it would probably prefer jumping from floor to floor.
Creature 3

The above image was used to draw all my inspiration from for the following creature, named Monimalist.

This creature would dwell in a very plain, simple and white environment. It doesn't move very fast and it takes really small steps so it can't do any wide jumps of leaps. Therefore, it would circulate in a building or environment with a flat surface, as it can't walk up stairs. 

Video of all creatures in action

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